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10 Tips to Stay Safe on Social Media

Recently there has been a rise in the use of social media, both for business and leisure purposes. Social media plays a very important role of being able to communicate to people from all over the world almost instantly, however it is highly important to manage your digital footprint and to manage the security and privacy

How to avoid COVID-19 phishing scams

Have you ever been worried that you may become a victim of a phishing scam? There has been several incidents of cyber criminals exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic recently, so listed below is some information and ideas of how to prevent this!

How to stay secure whilst working remotely

As working remotely has become more prevalent than ever for most organisations, it has become even more essential to have the best security for your setups as there have been many incidents of malicious cyber criminals exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic! Here are some ways to help you make sure your companies data is secure and protected;

SharePoint, making remote working easy!

HAVING PROBLEMS WITH REMOTE WORKING? With remote working more prevalent than ever, having remote access to your office desktop pc and server can often raise some connectivity problems. When the line goes down or the power goes off in your office, the access to reboot and reconnect systems is limited.

Windows 7 End-Of-Life Support – What You Need To Know

As the old saying goes, all good things must come to an end, and that includes Windows 7. After running for a decade, from January 14, 2020, Microsoft will stop providing security updates or support for devices running the hugely popular Windows 7. Microsoft has said “Every Windows product has a lifecycle.

Why is my computer so slow? 15 Tips to speed it up!

We have all experienced the frustration of a slow computer. Waiting for a sluggish computer when you’re desperately trying to get something done is extremely annoying, especially when you simply want to load a web page. However, it is not unusual for computers to slow down after time and after extensive use.

18 Brilliant Charity Fundraising Ideas

According to recent statistics, the UK raises approximately £9.3 billion in voluntary donations per year. If you are a member of a charitable organisation and are looking for interesting ways in which you can tap into this generosity, then listed below are several brilliant charity fundraising ideas.

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