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Tag: Business IT Support

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Six Tips for a Seamless IT Office Move

Relocating your business can be a hugely stressful and complex experience. A poorly implemented office move can have a negative impact on your business, with IT downtime and disruption proving costly. Minimising these IT concerns through detailed planning and careful organisation will ensure that your business’ efficiency does not suffer during the move.

Why Preventing Network Downtime Is So Crucial

No organisation wants to see money go out of the window. As the availability of IT systems is directly linked to business performance, network downtime poses a great threat to an organisation’s IT operations and can seriously impede its success. With the ever-changing demands of IT, preventing network downtime is becoming more challenging.

Cloud Computing vs a Dedicated Server

Cloud computing has been a revelation in the online world and now many businesses are taking advantage of the possibilities available with this solution. With Cloud you’re able to access shared data online from any location. Rather than saving to a hard drive after making edits, data will automatically save online.

In-house vs Outsourced IT Support: What is best for your business?

Over the last 20 years or so, the Internet has revolutionised businesses, making it easier than ever before to store data, find new customers and promote your company. However, because of this growing emphasis on IT infrastructure, it’s important to have a dedicated team in place to assist with any problems.

For business IT support, a company would seemingly have two options to consider; either hire an in-house team to manage the IT side of the business or outsource.

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