About Save the Rhino
Their vision: All five rhino species thriving in the wild.
Their mission: Collaborating with partners to support endangered rhinos in Africa and Asia.
Save the Rhino believes rhinos are magnificent, in themselves and as champions of the incredible wild landscapes in which they live. And they are endangered. To thrive, both rhinos and people need a world that is healthy, diverse and resilient.
At Save the Rhino International they connect people striving to conserve rhinos and their habitats with people who want to support that vital work, and they contribute our own knowledge and skills to the conservation effort.
Every day they work with a wonderful community of passionate friends, partners and supporters, to ensure that all five species of rhinos thrive in the wild.

Save the Rhino's Challenges
Rhinos around the world, and the people working to save them, remain under pressure from habitat loss, climate change and the transnational organised crime networks responsible for trafficking rhino horn. During 2023, 449 were illegal killed in South Africa alone. Across the African continent, it’s estimated that almost 9,000 rhinos have been poached in the last decade.
Official reports estimate that there are fewer than 80 Sumatran rhinos, though there are potentially just 34-47 individuals remaining. The total Javan rhino population is estimated to be 76 animals, including 12 individuals that have not been recorded for at least three years. All remaining Javan rhinos are found in one place, Ujung Kulon National Park on the island of Java, and there have been signs of a rise in illegal activities in this area.
They are grateful to all their many supporters who help to overcome the threats to rhinos, including the 66 individuals taking on the London Marathon in April 2024.

Save the Rhino's Achievements / Goals
Across the world, they’re working with the best people and organisations to make the biggest possible impact on rhinos. Their strategic priorities cover projects working on protection and law enforcement, biological management, stopping illegal markets, capacity building, co-ordination, societal engagement and sustainable and adequate financing.
In March 2024, Save the Rhino celebrated its 30th anniversary and has provided grants of more than £29 million to partners in Africa and Asia to date. In this time, black rhino numbers have increased from just 2,363 to 6,487 and white rhinos from 7,131 to 16,803.
Thanks to long-term support from Save the Rhino and other partners to rhino reserves in Laikipia, Kenya in January this year a new population of 21 rhinos was created at Loisaba Conservancy.

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