10 Brilliant Benefits of Cloud Computing

5 minutes

As discussed in our previous blog post, What Is Cloud Computing?, we talked in depth about exactly what this latest fashion is and some of the core reasons to consider switching to the form of document saving.

In a nutshell, cloud computing is effectively the storing and accessing of data online, where everyone with permission has access to view and edit accordingly. Data sheets and documents can be saved to a drive, whereby you’ll require a login to access. This avoids the need to save files to your computer and email them over to colleagues.

With cloud computing you can easily edit and save the changed data, so someone else can quickly view the amendments. This whole process is much more time efficient.

Of course, the Internet has taken off over the last 15 years and everything now seems to be online. For the younger generation, the Internet is like a third hand, coming naturally to them. However, for those born and raised in a time when the Internet wasn’t in existence, it can be a little more difficult to get your head around all the ins and outs.

Whichever category you fall into, cloud computing is certainly the future of data storage. It’s growing in popularity year-on-year and it is predicted that in 2017 small businesses would spend a massive $100 billion on cloud computing services.

If you want to find out more on cloud computing, simply read our previous blog post. But here we’re going to take a closer look at the ten core reasons to consider cloud computing.

1. Flexible and adaptable

Flexibility is a crucial part of any business and that’s exactly what cloud computing offers. If you need more bandwidth, these requirements can be met almost instantly and 65% of people believe this is one of the most important reasons to pay close attention to a cloud-based service.

2. Disaster recovery speed

By taking on a cloud-based service you’ll no longer need to worry about disaster recovery. Not only will the provider manage this for you, they’ll also be able to recover your data quicker than in-house teams. For those with cloud computing there’s the opportunity to recover at four times the speed to those without it.

3. Software is automatically updated

You’ll no longer have to worry about any of the software you’re using being outdated – This includes security programmes such as anti-viruses. According to a survey in 2010, businesses in the UK spent an average 18 hours each month managing security programmes – Cloud computing solves this headache. Your provider will carry out all the maintenance, leaving you more time to take care of more important matters.

4. Reduced costs

By taking on a cloud service you won’t have to worry about capital expenditure as most companies offer a pay-as-you-go scheme. As well as this, start-up costs are typically cheaper and the system is quick to deploy. That’s several excellent reasons all bundled into one.

5. Improve team efficiency

As mentioned at the top of this blog post, cloud computing offers a way for employees to have access to the same data without the need to keep sending updated spreadsheets over email. No matter their location, employees can sync data and receive updates in real-time. This will improve efficiency in the workplace and also accommodates those working out of the office.

6. Access from around the world

We’ve touched upon this slightly in number five, but with cloud computing you can access applications worldwide and don’t need to be in the office. This is ever important in the 21st Century when more and more people are taking time to work from home. A cloud service better supports a work-life balance and you can remain productive even when commuting on the train to work or client meetings.

7. Have better control of documents

One study suggests: “73% of knowledge workers collaborate with people in different time zones and regions at least monthly”. By harnessing the power of cloud computing you’re able to eliminate problems caused by overseas communication – No longer passing documents back and forth by email.

With cloud, all of your important files are kept in one location and people can talk in real-time whilst making changes. This improves both team collaboration and efficiency.

8. Boosting security

If documents are all kept on your laptop, what happens if it’s stolen? All those many hours spent on a presentation or spreadsheet would be completely lost. As well as this, the thieves would then have access to your sensitive data. 800,000 laptops are lost at airports alone each year and without cloud data you’ll simply have to start from scratch.

9. Opportunity to grow your business quickly

With cloud computing your business will have access to some cutting edge technology designed to help expand your business. With a cloud service you can quickly challenge the more established companies and grab your share of the market.

10. Eco-friendly service

We’re all a lot more environmentally friendly now, so it’s no surprise cloud computing helps on this side of things also. By utilising cloud you’ll reduce your carbon footprint and consume 30% less energy than before on average. SMEs get the best results from this and in actual fact, energy saving could be closer to a whopping 90%.

So there you have it; 10 brilliant reasons to consider cloud computing for your business. If your company hasn’t yet taken advantage of the wonderful opportunities, now’s certainly the time to. Qlic have helped hundreds of organisations integrate cloud into their IT infrastructure. If you would like to discuss the benefits Cloud Computing could provide to you business then contact us today on 020 8269 6878 or visit www.qlicnfp.com/cloud-solutions/

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